Sublime Text is a powerful and versatile code editor that offers a wide range of features and customization options. One of the essential aspects of software development is effectively tracking and managing lines of code. In this article, we’ll explore strategies and techniques for getting the most out of Sublime Text when it comes to tracking and managing lines of code.

Utilize the Goto Anything Feature

Sublime Text’s “Goto Anything” feature allows you to quickly navigate through your codebase, making it easier to locate and manage specific lines of code. By pressing Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on macOS) and entering a file name or a symbol name, you can instantly jump to the desired location within your project. This feature is especially useful when working with large codebases.

Leverage the Command Palette

The Command Palette in Sublime Text provides a centralized location for accessing various commands and functionalities. By pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS), you can search and execute commands related to code navigation, file management, and more. This allows you to efficiently manage lines of code by utilizing the available tools and features.

Use Multiple Cursors and Selections

Sublime Text allows you to have multiple cursors and selections within the same document simultaneously. By pressing Ctrl+Click (or Cmd+Click on macOS), you can add additional cursors, which enables you to make simultaneous changes to multiple lines of code. This feature can significantly speed up repetitive tasks and refactoring processes.

Take Advantage of Find and Replace

Sublime Text provides a powerful Find and Replace functionality that allows you to search for specific patterns and replace them with desired content. By pressing Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on macOS) to open the Find panel, you can search for specific lines of code or patterns. By combining this with the Replace functionality (Ctrl+H or Cmd+H), you can manage and modify lines of code efficiently.

Utilize Code Folding

Code folding is a useful feature in Sublime Text that allows you to collapse and expand sections of code, providing a clearer view of the codebase. By using shortcuts like Ctrl+Shift+[ and Ctrl+Shift+] (or Cmd+Option+[ and Cmd+Option+] on macOS), you can collapse and expand sections of code, making it easier to navigate and manage large code files.

Install Relevant Plugins

Sublime Text has a vast plugin ecosystem that extends its functionality and provides additional tools for managing lines of code. Plugins like “GitGutter” can help you track changes in your version control system, while “CodeMetrics” can provide insights into code complexity. Explore the available plugins and install the ones that align with your specific needs to enhance your line management capabilities.

Customize Sublime Text to Your Workflow

Sublime Text offers extensive customization options that allow you to tailor the editor to your specific workflow. By modifying settings, key bindings, and color schemes, you can create an environment that suits your coding style and preferences. This customization can contribute to a more efficient and enjoyable coding experience, aiding in better line tracking and management.

Take Advantage of Snippets and Macros

Sublime Text supports the creation and usage of snippets and macros, which can help streamline repetitive tasks and code generation. Snippets are reusable code snippets that you can insert with a simple trigger, while macros allow you to record and replay a series of actions. By utilizing these features, you can save time and effort when managing lines of code.

Regularly Use Version Control Integration

Sublime Text seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and SVN. By using the available plugins and functionalities, you can track changes, view commit history, and manage branches directly within the editor. Regularly committing and pushing your code changes allows for better line tracking and ensures that you have a reliable version history.

Stay Updated with Sublime Text Updates and Resources

Sublime Text is continuously evolving, with updates and improvements being released regularly. Stay informed about the latest updates, bug fixes, and new features by regularly checking the official Sublime Text website and community forums. Taking advantage of new features and enhancements can help improve your line tracking and management capabilities.


By utilizing the various features, customization options, and plugins available in Sublime Text, you can enhance your ability to track and manage lines of code efficiently. From navigating through codebase using Goto Anything and the Command Palette to utilizing multiple cursors and selections, Sublime Text offers a wealth of tools to streamline your workflow. By incorporating these strategies and techniques into your software development process, you can maximize your productivity and get the most out of Sublime Text when it comes to tracking and managing lines of code.

Getting the Most Out of Sublime Text: Strategies for Tracking and Managing Lines of Code